

Noriharu Suematsuprof_suematsu

Professor, Dr. of Engineering

Personal History

Mar.1985 B.Sc. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Mar.1987 M.Sc. Waseda Uniervsity, Tokyo, Japan
Mar.2000 Dr.Eng. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Apr.1987- Mar.2010 Researcher/manager at R&D section of Mitsubishi electric,
Japan, where he had been engaged in research and development of silicon/GaAs microwave/millimeter-wave
solid-state circuits and linearizers for wireless applications including Satellite communication, cellular and ITS.
Sep.1992-Sep.1993 Visiting scholar, University of Leeds, U.K.
Apr.2009-Mar.2010 Visiting professor, Tohoku University
Apr.2010 Professor, Tohoku Univeristy

Academic Activities

IEEE RFIC Symposium Steering Committee(2006-), TPC(2002-)
Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) Int.Steering Committee(ISC) (2009-), ISC Chair(2010)
IEICE APMC Natinoal Committee(2007-)

+81-22-217-5532 from abroad TEL 022-217-5532 FAX 022-217-5533

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